[VHFcontesting] Logging

Tad Danley tdanley at suddenlink.net
Wed Jun 17 20:23:55 PDT 2009

Kevin Hobbs wrote:
> Hi Gang;
> Hopefully this topic is acceptable.

Hi Kevin, for both HF and VHF/UHF I use N1MM for contesting and DXLab 
Suite for general logging, award tracking etc.  It is just a couple of 
mouse clicks to import contest logs into DXLab from N1MM, and a couple 
more to upload logged contacts to ARRL Logbook of the World.

Like you, I shy away from anything that has a steep learning curve just 
to get started.  Both N1MM and DXLabSuite are very robust and can do a 
lot, but they also have Quick Start Guides that help you use the 
programs.  I strongly suggest you consult the QSGs!  Anything that 
integrates with your station (rig control, voice and cw keyer, etc) adds 
another level of complexity, but if a Luddite like me can do it, anyone can.

N1MM and DXLab Suite are both free, updated regularly with enhancements 
and very well supported including dedicated yahoogroups.  I have never 
operated as a rover - but may just give it a try with my TS-2000 - so I 
can't tell you if the rover mode is supported by N1MM but I'm sure 
someone here can.



Good luck and 73,

Tad Danley, K3TD

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