[VHFcontesting] My Proposal to the VUAC

Duane - N9DG n9dg at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 17 17:31:48 PDT 2009

--- On Tue, 3/17/09, Jim Forsyth <mail at jimforsyth.com> wrote:

> Is it fair if you have a shorter call sign than some.

Does having a shorter call provide detailed frequency, direction, and time information about each of the other participants *from* the other participants via outside means? 

> Is it fair if I know a rovers schedule and you don't.

I think it can be argued that this is actually *already* creating a "follow the rover's schedule" operating behavior where fixed and other rover ops only start calling and looking for other stations to work when a rover is *scheduled* be in a new grid. Many of these ops who do this are *silent* between rover grids, why? Is this kind of basic behavior good for VHF contesting? And wouldn't chat pages and prop loggers only exasperate this? 

> Is it fair if you speak faster than me.

Does doing this provide detailed frequency, direction, and time information about each of the other participants *from* the other participants via outside means? 

> Is it fair if you have a band opening and I don't

Does having a band opening provide detailed frequency, direction, and time information about each of the other participants *from* the other participants via outside means?

> Is it fair if I run more power than you.

Does having more power provide detailed frequency, direction, and time information about each of the other participants *from* the other participants via outside means? 

> Is it fair if you have more bands than me.

Does having more bands provide detailed frequency, direction, and time information about each of the other participants *from* the other participants via outside means? 

> Is it fair if I have a better location than you.

Does having a better location provide detailed frequency, direction, and time information about each of the other participants *from* the other participants via outside means? 

> Is it fair if there are more hams in your area than mine.

Does having more local hams provide detailed frequency, direction, and time information about each of the other participants *from* the other participants via outside means? 

> is it fair if I have better antennas than you.

Does having better antennas provide detailed frequency, direction, and time information about each of the other participants *from* the other participants via outside means?

> is it fair if you can stay awake longer than me.

Does doing this provide detailed frequency, direction, and time information about each of the other participants *from* the other participants via outside means? 

> If you make everything totally fair then everyone will end
> up with the same score and there is no competition.

It's not about "fairness", ... it is more about the contest sponsors stating clearly if they want VHF contesting to be only about "making the Qs" *or* for it to be about "*finding* the other stations *and* making the Qs".



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