[VHFcontesting] Picking a Bone with Gene (Part 2)

kr7o at vhfdx.com kr7o at vhfdx.com
Tue May 5 14:02:44 PDT 2009

Sorry Ken, you are misinformed.

WSJT can be successfully utilized without skeds on 6 and 2m.  Above that, 
at least here in California, 99% of all terrestraial activity (CW/SSB/...) 
on 222 and higher is by sked, (moving someone from another band or a 
scheduled net night).  A CQ on 2221. 432.1 any night will normally be met 
with silence outside of contests periods.  Want to try random on microwave, 
good luck.

BTW, since when did skeds become a bad thing?  Skeds have been an accepted 
part of VHF DX for decades.  Meteor scatter on 3818, 3843, EME on 14.345, 
6M DX on 28.885 are all historic frequencies, but internet chat pages are 
much more efficient at passing that kind of traffic as one is not 
distracted with trying to listen to a voice comm while trying to pull out a 
weak signal at the same time.

>The only effective way to use WSJT is through pre-arranged schedules, and
>that completely kills all the joy out of it for me.

73, Robert KR7O/YB2ARO, DM07ba/OI52ee  (ex.  N7STU)
kr7o at vhfdx.com

www.vhfdx.com (KR7O/YB2ARO homepages)

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