[VHFcontesting] Frank K3UHF Story is priceless!

Nate Duehr nate at natetech.com
Wed May 27 12:52:12 PDT 2009

On Wed, 27 May 2009 12:16:57 -0700 (PDT), "John Geiger"
<aa5jg at yahoo.com> said:

> Let's see, if I need to be competitive to enjoy a contest, I would need
> to:
> 1. Move-aren't going to win anything from Southwest Oklahoma, there just
> isn't the activity.

Or drive out here to Colorado for my joking, but half-serious "meet-up"
for Rovers in a team effort.  You could couple it with a nice visit to
Rocky Mtn National Park or something for a few days prior or after.  :-)

> 2. Divorce the wife and leave the daughter with her-they take too much
> time and money away from the contest effort.  Make sure any required
> visitations occur on non-contest weekends.

Hahah... no hobby should EVER cause serious marital problems.  If it
does, priorities are really screwed up, and yeah, we've all seen hams
with this problem.  Most of them are divorced.

> 3. Go majorly in debt buying transverters, towers, antennas, IF rigs,
> better coax-what the heck, that's the American way.  Look at the debt the
> current administration has run up.

Money helps win contests, that's for sure.  Look at HF contests...
DX-Peditions, whatever... that or oodles of time, where time=money
anyway, so... same thing.  10 band rover stations don't build

> 4. Make sure I have no social life on contest weekends.  Wouldn't want to
> waste time talking on the telephone, seeing friends, going to Church,
> etc.  Plus all of those activities would prevent me from working other
> stations, so they would violate the spirit of the rules.

Actually the team thing takes care of this, in many ways.  :-)  LOL! 
You spend all your telephone time talking to the other team members, and
attend the first Church of RF.  Yes, we've all seen Amateurs who behave
like this too, and their priorities are way screwed up too.


> 5. Ignore all other pleasuable activities I might want to do on a
> weekend. Better not waste any time checking the baseball scores on ESPN,
> I could miss a contact or 2.  Better forgo sleep and just struggle
> through work on Monday as best as I can, after all, sleeping would
> violate the spirit of the rules.

LOL... competitors give up things to win in all sports.

> However, this would be a small price to pay for enjoying a contest.

It's all about priorities.  I don't spend ANY time in the Sprints, the
UHF contest, or the Microwave contests unless I have "EXTRA" time each
year.  My one contest I won't miss is June.  The rest of those weekends,
I have other things to do, usually.  I barely make it to the local VHF
SSB Net three or four times a year.  My "fun" is June.

Life work/fun balance is required, not optional... to me anyway.  

Nate WY0X
  Nate Duehr
  nate at natetech.com

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