[VHFcontesting] Changes to VHF Contest Rule - A brief note from your Dakota Div VUAC Rep

James Duffey JamesDuffey at comcast.net
Wed May 27 19:30:39 PDT 2009

Sean - Am I correct in assuming that if one operates more than the 4  
lowest bands and submits a Limited Rover log only and check logs for  
the higher bands, that they cannot use the additional higher bands to  
generate contacts for the lower bands? That is if a station is on 1296  
and someone calls him and tells him he hasn't worked on 222 MHz and  
they subsequently move to 222 MHz and make a contact, then that puts  
him in the Classic Rover category?

Also doesn't your interpretation encourage category shopping? Which I  
think is bad. A station can operate 6 bands say, watch the 3830 list,  
the various reflectors, and the logs received after the contest to see  
how he did against the competition in the two categories he could  
enter. Then, determine if he has a better chance of winning the  
Limited Rover or Classic Rover category and submit his logs  
appropriately? - Duffey

James Duffey
Cedar Crest NM

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