[VHFcontesting] a new Strategy for home and club stations

James French w8iss at wideopenwest.com
Fri May 29 18:40:20 PDT 2009

On Thu, 2009-05-28 at 11:58 -0500, Zack Widup wrote:
Sometimes honest mistakes occur and I can understand someone forgetting to
> log a QSO. I may have done it myself a couple times. I recall once I was so
> wrapped up in going up the bands with someone that I forgot to log a QSO
> and had to guess at the approximate time of the QSO later on when I
> remembered that I forgot. (Does that make any sense?)
> :-)

Since Zack has brought this up about forgetting to account for the time
correctly, I have been told that if I don't have the QSO time correct
within a two minute time frame that my log could be disallowed. My
clocks when out in the field are not that accurate most of the time,
but I do try to log as correct as I can though.

Has anyone heard or seen of this?

James W8ISS

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