[VHFcontesting] Scaring Up A Good Time-Halloween Tropo!

Les Rayburn les at highnoonfilm.com
Thu Oct 29 14:46:46 PDT 2009

Forgive my excitement---because I'm sure that this week's tropo openings in the Southeast and Midwest are not exactly the stuff of legends to most VHF men. But to a newcomer like me, it seems like the opening of a lifetime. Despite having only limited time to spend at the radio, I got all treats and no tricks! 

On Wednesday night, I managed to work five new grids and dozens of stations that had previously only been worked via WSJT meteor scatter. The band was literally filled with signals, as I tuned across the band hearing QSO's in progress from 144.170 all the way up to 144.220. It was hard for me to believe! 

I'm sure that this has something to do with the veil between ourselves and the spirit world being thinnest at this time of year, and all that. But be in voodoo, hoodoo, or just that Old Black Magic, I'll certainly take some of this witchcraft! 

I worked stations from Iowa, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Florida, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Kansas, Illinois, Indiana, and Arkansas, all in one magical evening! 

You may say that these conditions were caused by atmospheric conditions, related to a pressure boundary, and all that scientific mumbo-jumbo, but you guys can't kid me. This was black magic! How else can you explain someone over 900 miles away telling a station with a 6 element indoor beam that his signal was "So loud, literally booming in!" Or reports from three states away of "S-9 +, you're the loudest signal on the band!" 

Nah, I was married on Halloween, 27 years ago---so I know a thing or two about this darkest of holidays. You can try to feed someone else your lies about this tropo stuff. You guys should just come clean and admit that you've made a deal with the devil. 

Regardless, as they say in Texas Hold 'Em...I'm all in! Now at 70 grids worked on 2 Meters with my indoor antennas, I'll gladly make a bargain with Lucifer for the next 30 grids! 

Happy Halloween, indeed! 


Les Rayburn, N1LF
121 Mayfair Park
Maylene, AL 35114

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