[VHFcontesting] Propagation gurus wanted

Eugene Zimmerman ezimmerm at erols.com
Tue Sep 1 13:00:32 PDT 2009

During the last week's big tropo opening Bill WA0KBZ in EM48 reported
hearing strong clear signals from Oklahoma off the back of his beam while
pointed northeast into the duct. Surprisingly when he turned his antenna to
work them, the OK signals disappeared. This is a characteristic of
backscatter but there was no ionospheric layer in play to produce any
backscatter. Has anyone encountered this type of strong clear signal off the
back of his antenna during a tropo opening? Does anyone have any idea what
type of propagation might be in play here?"
I mention this in case there is a decent tropo opening in the September
contest [don't we hope!] If so you might not want to turn your antenna if
you hear someone off the back - the signal just might disappear.
73  Gene  W3ZZ
World Above 50 MHz
FM19jd  MD
50 => 10 GHz
Grid Pirates Contest Group K8GP
Member, CQWW Contest Advisory Group

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