[VHFcontesting] SteppIR's on 6m

James Duffey jamesduffey at comcast.net
Mon Sep 7 21:02:28 PDT 2009

The only experience I have with STEPP-IRs on 6M is with a friends 2  
element version, which gave reasonable results, that is it behaved  
like I expected a 2 element beam to behave.

So I can't give you direct experience, but I can give you some things  
to think about.

Instead of comparing the STEPP-IRs to each other, you should probably  
be comparing them to the antennas you have up and want to replace with  
the STEPP-IRs. Any of the models will be better than your dipole on  
40M, assuming any one of them are mounted at the same height. They  
will all be better than your log periodic on 20M -10M. You get 30M for  
free. So that leaves 6M. I don't know what 5 element design you have,  
but I doubt that the DB-18 or 3 element STEPP-IR, both of which are 16  
ft long and really 4 elements on 6 M will be the equal of your 5  
element beam. Assuming that both antennas are reasonably well  
designed, you can get a good idea of their relative performance by  
comparing the boom lengths.

That said, a dB or two on 6M is probably more significant,  
particularly in contesting than twice that or more on 40M.  
Particularly if you don't contest much on 40M.

You will spend a lot more time operating than laying the tower over,  
so I would say that the long boom length, an advantage on 6M, should  
not be counted as a negative.

I think the big issue with the Stepp IRs is whether or not you want to  
take on have moving parts driven by an electromechanical mechanism up  
in the air where they can't be fixed easily. But for multiple bands  
STEPP-IR has managed the compromises inherent in those designs rather  
well. - Duffey
James Duffey
Cedar Crest NM

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