[VHFcontesting] KK6MC will give talk at QRPacificon

James Duffey jamesduffey at comcast.net
Wed Sep 16 17:07:01 PDT 2009

I will be giving a talk on "VHF and UHF Operating and Contesting for  
the Beginner and QRPer" at the NorCal QRP group's annual forum,  
QRPacificon, October 10th. QRPacificon is a serious of events of  
interest to QRPers and a technical forum sponsored by the NorCal QRP  
Club. It is being held at the Milpitas Crowne Plaza October 9th and  
10th. Stop by and say hi and recommend it to people in the area who  
have expressed an interest in VHF, but haven't gotten over the hump.  
It is always nice to have some experienced VHFers in the audience to  
spread the enthusiasm and share experiences.

Here are the details. The exact schedule for talks is still being  

< http://www.norcalqrp.org/pacificon09.htm >

As those of you in Northern California know, Pacificon was the Pacific  
Division's ARRL annual convention held in the Bay Area each October.  
It is not being held in the bay area this year. The NorCal QRP forum  
was a mainstay of that convention for the past 15 years and offered  
high quality technical talks as well as other QRP related activities.  
NorCal has decided to carry on that tradition with a convention of  
their own. There is no cost to participate. You can apply for a badge  
in advance though.

NorCal has negotiated a great hotel rate, $65 a night, but you need to  
make reservations before Thursday September 17.

I will keep you posted as details develop. - Duffey
James Duffey
Cedar Crest NM

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