[VHFcontesting] [PNWVHFS] Re: Reasonable Tropo

frank bechdoldt k3uhf at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 16 19:03:33 PDT 2009

While the rover rules affect me dirrectly, I'm curious what the log counts will do with the EME changes.  I'm sending in a blank log in protest of the rover situation.  If I dont speak up for 2 years they will think its fine. 


Which brings me to the point that someone should replace jim on the VUAC if if has not happened yet. oterwise we have no one to write to on the VUAC.


Also in my complaint, the VUAC tried anf the ARRL PSC ignored thier recomendations. 


If you are not competitive in nature, roving is fun.  I hope someone post a 70k score in the northwest without using a team effort to motivate me to go back at it again.



> From: compmtn at instawave.net
> To: eaglepoint.or at juno.com; k3uhf at hotmail.com
> CC: ve7dxg at rac.ca; pnwvhfs at googlegroups.com
> Subject: [PNWVHFS] Re: Reasonable Tropo
> Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 16:42:38 -0700
> Good afternoon all, Len WA6KLK CM89
> In the recent contest I worked about 2 hours 45 minutes on saturday only. 
> 84 Qs from six bands. I spent allot of the time checking 927.5 fm and was 
> rewarded with a couple near 150 mile full quieting contacts. This was from 
> a 3600 foot hill overlooking the Sacramento Valley.
> The BIG surprize was working Mike WB6FFC in CN82 on Table Mountain. This 
> was a 214 mile airline path. First contact was on six meters with quarter 
> wave whip to quarter wave whip with both of us at 100 watts. Next was a two 
> meter contact. Here I was running about 150 watts to a pair of horizontal 
> loops while Mike was running a half wave vertical and 50 watts. Then 432 
> where I had about 11 elements horizontal and 70 watts and Mike had 20 watts 
> and a vertical, think a couple of halfwaves in phase. ?????
> Signals on my end where not strong but very copiable for ssb. Thus good 
> propagation.
> Yes, it takes a bit of time and effort. I was into more of checking a 
> couple of antennas than working allot of folks. Two hours drive one way is 
> a bit but doable. Dont think I heard one rover at all during the time I was 
> on but am sure a least a couple made it. Small as is rigs with small 
> antennas--4 or 5 element beams--work well with a little forethoought into 
> where you are going, and ALLOT of listening and paying attention to what is 
> going on on the bands. Having a cw key is a must also.
> Many folks can do small local hilltops and not have to go to big hills. 
> Letting folks know where you are going to be and when is a big plus. I did 
> not, but the location is great. Catching Mike was good luck and was 
> appreciated.
> Keep it up and get a few more out and on if you can. Encourage the new 
> folks, even if you take them along and do a few hours. They will get 
> ""bit"" by the bug and then you and they will have more fun.
> On another subject, I am the VUAC rep down here in the Pacific Division. Am 
> hoping to make Seaside but it is real iffy at the moment. If I do, it will 
> be a last minute thing for me. Lots of work discussing the various things 
> before any recommendations are amde. It must be noted that most comments do 
> NOT come until after the recommendations are made. While some folks do not 
> like what is in the rules others do. Can not satisfy every one. As far as 
> ""assistance"" goes, you can make schedules to your hearts content before 
> the contest. That gives you frequency and time. Make a whole bunch !! It 
> is just that during the contest it is NOT allowed--with certain 
> exceptions--because of a few things that have happened in the past. Yes, 
> there is possibly some telephone or private e-mail "contacts" made but the 
> only one being hurt is the person doing it. What happened to being the 
> operator in the contact ?? Why do folks have to rely on realtime schedules 
> and exchange of information by other than radio ?? Do ALL your scheduling 
> before and then do some listening also.
> Yes, I know that technology has changed. However, in the contests we are 
> talking about there are certain rules. Other contests thru out the year you 
> can do what you want. A lot of effort and discussion has gone into things. 
> Give it chance to settle down for a couple of years to see how it goes 
> rather than want an immediate change because someone does not like it. 
> This is kinda like the Forest Practice Rules I worked with as a Forester in 
> California. Some folks would scream for rule changes when they did not like 
> them and they had only been in effect 10 days. Some of the rules took a few 
> years to see what would happen. They were watched closely tho.
> This is a HOBBY so relax a bit folks. In the long run all will work out 
> well. Maybe some day I will have the setup to have the computer just 
> monitor all the frequencies and make the contacts,etc, while I am out at the 
> lake fishing !!!
> 73 Len PSSSS Mikes notes below are really TRUE !!!!
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: <eaglepoint.or at juno.com>
> To: <k3uhf at hotmail.com>
> Cc: <ve7dxg at rac.ca>; <pnwvhfs at googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 11:05 AM
> Subject: [PNWVHFS] Re: Reasonable Tropo
> >
> > As those of you who do make the effort to go mountain topping or
> > roving know it takes a lot of preparation and expense for these
> > expeditions and also it is difficult to find other VHF interested
> > hams to help with the efforts unlike field day where every one
> > seems to show up. The cost per QSO gets pretty high. And now with
> > the Forest service and other agencies slowly closing off many
> > of the past popular mountain sites also makes it more difficult.
> >
> > I think if we could some how encourage more folks with home stations
> > to equip them selves to at least the level of equipment dragged
> > to mountain tops, it would encourage more guys to make the effort.
> >
> > Invest in a preamp and an antenna a little better than a 20 year
> > old Cushcraft FM yagi, dump the RG-58 feed line, get a set of head
> > phones, turn you antenna once in a while away from Portland and San
> > Francisco direction.
> >
> > I have worked into Canada almost every year from Mt Ashland (CN-82)
> > on 6, 2 & 70 cm with various stations during the June contest.
> >
> > Please get some good aluminum up (and maybe get on CW), the path is there!
> >
> > Mike
> > WB6FFC
> >
> >
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