[VHFcontesting] Rover Rules

James Duffey jamesduffey at comcast.net
Sat Sep 19 16:29:42 PDT 2009

Frank K3UHF wrote:
... I'm sending in a blank log in protest of the rover situation. If I  
dont speak up for 2 years they will think its fine. Which brings me to  
the point that someone should replace jim on the VUAC if if has not  
happened yet. oterwise we have no one to write to on the VUAC.

Frank - I have written this before to you and the list, but submitting  
a blank log won't do anything positive. It will confuse those who  
process the logs. By not participating in the contest, you have  
deprived others of contacts and activity. By depriving others of  
contacts you have made the contest less attractive to them. By making  
the contest less attractive, you have reduced participation. By  
reducing participation, you have put the whole contest in jeopardy. If  
everybody did that, or even all the rovers did that, there would be no  
contest or no rover category.

A better approach is to write your Division Director and VIce Director  
and express how you want the rules to change. Send a copy, or a new  
correspondence to your VUAC representative. Send it to other members  
of the VUAC that you know. Write to the PSC committee chairman  
expressing your desire to change the rules and for them to follow VUAC  
recommendations. Send a copy of all correspondence to your Contest  
Advisory Committee representative.

I do this, and if everyone who is unhappy about the rules did this,  
something positive might happen. Sending in a blank log won't change  
anything. - Duffey 

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