[VHFcontesting] Inexpensive way to get onto microwaves?

James French w8iss at wideopenwest.com
Mon Sep 21 22:27:12 PDT 2009

On Sunday 20 September 2009 15:52:57 David Palm wrote:
> Hi Walter, K1CMF,
> You wrote:
> [ Are there any low cost options to get onto the bands above 1296?  I.e.,
>  cheaper than a DEMI transverter. . . . I'm guessing that it wouldn't take
> much of a rig to work 6 or more stations in June and Sept on each band. 
> The minimum usable would be something that would allow me to work 65 miles
> line of sight.  CW only would probably be OK. ]
> I have been exploring exactly the same question as you.  So far, I think
> that the best solution is to build the W1GHF "Simple and Cheap"
> transverters.  See the write-up here:
> http://www.w1ghz.org/MBT/multiband.htm
> If a guy has some ability to solder SMT parts and some access to test
> equipment, then these do look like the cheapest entre into the higher
> bands.
> I am hoping to gather parts and start building at least 902 and 1296 LO and
> transverter boards early in 2010.  If you and/or anybody else here is
> interested in putting together a group-buy of parts, I would be willing to
> act as the "hub" for that.  We can discuss details between now and, say,
> Jan 2010 and then place an order.  Given the quantity discounts available,
> the cost of these should be cut by at least a third by pooling our
> resources and ordering parts for multiple units.  Please e-mail if you have
> interest in building one or more of Paul's boards.

There is a group in the Southeastern states that did that at the beginning of
the year. I bought the 1.2GHz Right Side Up (RSU) and relay boards plus parts
in the purchase. The price to about 67 dollars including mailing.

I had the 900MHz baords from last years MUD and it cost me almost 100 dollars
to acquire the parts on my own including getting the boards.

James W8ISS
> Thanks and 73,
> David  W9HQ
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