[VHFcontesting] 2 Mtr Sprint

W3cmp at aol.com W3cmp at aol.com
Tue Sep 22 21:10:11 PDT 2009

Hello all:
     Fun to be back on 144 MHz after a year plus off  the band!  Sprint was 
a blast.  Even with the 13 year old "temporary "  antenna looking into the 
trees and nearby condos on a hill I worked 71 stations  in 27 grids in about 
3 hours.  Best DX was FN73.  W8ZN and K1WHS were  just booming in at almost 
all beam headings.  Nice enhancement to NE.   Looked in vain for W4VN and 
N2CEI but heard nothing.  Will look forward to  next spring and maybe getting 
real antenna up.
Chris  Patterson W3CMP   

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