[VHFcontesting] Congrats on 30 years of 432 nets

Todd Sprinkmann sprinkies at excel.net
Wed Sep 23 10:42:53 PDT 2009

    I'd like to congratulate W4DEX, W4VHH and W4NUS (along with any previous 
net controls) on 30 years of increasing activity on UHF.   Thoroughly enjoy 
the website and will learn much from it. 
    I finally worked into NC on 432 (after 6 years of being on) in the 
contest Sat. night, Sept. 12-13th with AA4ZZ so who knows, maybe I'll check 
into the 432.090 net some night. 

    A variety of nets (mostly 144) are thriving in the Midwest/Great Lakes on 
various nights.  If you want more specific info, just email me. 

    I'd like to call special attention to a newer 222 activity night that had 
over a dozen participants in 10 grids last night. 

    We're getting going on and near 222.100 every Tuesday.  It's not a net -- 
just guys getting on 222 across a wide area, from about 0000Z-0300Z.   KC8QAE 
EN91 and N8WNA EN82 started it, and now we're spreading the word heavily via 
email.   If you'd like to be on the "reminder" list, just send me an email.  
No reason this can't spread to other parts of the country.  Just get busy and 
promote it.  Of course, everyone, everywhere is welcome. 

    This stuff works if you promote it and keep at it.  The record turnouts 
we had near WI and ILL in the 144 Fall Sprint was not a coincidence.  I 
expect similarly strong turnouts in the 222 sprint next Tuesday the 29th, 
7-11pm.  Hope to work many of you. 

    Todd  KC9BQA   EN63ao   40 N of Milwaukee 
    http://www.kc9bqa.com   For Frequent VHF/UHF Updates 

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