[VHFcontesting] Let's stop the rover rules thread

Eugene Zimmerman ezimmerm at erols.com
Wed Sep 23 12:20:31 PDT 2009

For the umpteenth time the rover thread has arisen on this reflector.
The only useful thing is that Duffey may make some contacts in the next
contest or two with some of the pack rovers.
Otherwise the same arguments have been raised. And one can see the
frustratioon in many of the group that nothing is going to be done.
I'm sorry for the latter but this conversation should now come to an end. It
is not serving any useful purpose.
All pending messages in this thread will be rejected. Let's have no more for
a few months. 
You all can revisit this in the middle of winter when conditions stink and
it is so cold you can't do anything useful outside.
Gene W3ZZ
List Administrator

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