[VHFcontesting] 222 Tuesdays are BACK!

Todd Sprinkmann sprinkies at excel.net
Wed Sep 30 13:55:43 PDT 2009

    I know not long ago, there was regular 222 activity hosted by 
K8TQK (and I think) K4TO on Tuesday nights.  A few weeks 
ago, I heard from KC8QAE (EN91) that he and N8WNA 
(EN82) were again starting up informal activity on 222, every 
Tuesday, about 9:30pm eastern time, 0230 utc.   

    KC8QAE asked me to spread the word and I'm delighted to.  
I love 222 and am making a commitment toward getting any 
VHF'er, anywhere, involved with 222 Tuesdays.   

    Please remember the 222 Tuesdays,which will be every week, 
roughly 0030-0230 utc.  No formal net control, no set agenda.   
Just grass-roots VHF'ing.   Get on, swing the beams and call CQ 
on/near 222.100 in various directions.   Spread out if it gets 
    Use this webpage http://dxworld.com/220prop.html to keep 
track of the activity.   Please spread the word.   Make this a 
nationwide deal.     

     I already promoted it heavily via email to various Midwest 
reflectors the last two weeks, and it helped with the sprints.   
Two weeks ago, on short notice, we had 10 guys show up 
across a wide area for 222 Tuesday.   This short post is proof 
of how well it worked.  http://kc9bqa.com/?p=1003

    If you would like direct email reminders of 222 Tuesdays, 
drop me an email and I'll get you on a list.  All you get from me 
is VHF talk -- no jokes, politics or forwards.   

    Anyone who is interested in promoting this in their area, I'll 
be happy to share tips, if you want them.   

    Thanks for your time, 73,
    Todd   KC9BQA   EN63ao   40 N of Milwaukee
    50 thru 2304  (1296 is down, 2304 is only so-so)
    http://www.kc9bqa.com  For Frequent VHF/UHF Updates 

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