[VHFcontesting] Thursday FM Net on 146.46

Dave, WV9E dave at wv9e.net
Thu Apr 8 16:36:42 PDT 2010

KB9KTD - HUBER-LAN - EQ-REPAIRGreetings all:
Just a short (and yes last minute) reminder.   The 146.46 FM net will be on at the usual time at 8:30 PM local time.  The net is open to all amateurs.  Stop in and say hi.  Help increase VHF activity in our area, the Tri-state.  NOTE:  We are seeking to hear from all the counties in Wisconsin that can hear us.  
More details can be seen at:  http://wv9e.net/laxfmnet.htm  I have also added a comment/suggestion page , which can be accessed from the above link.   (You can access it directly here http://wv9e.net/request.htm  . 

    Reminder #2, the 144 Spring Sprint is Monday nite April 12th, starting at 7PM local time.  While mostly taking place on SSB/CW, I will and I 
    know others will be monitoring FM simplex on 146.55 for activity.  This is a short but fun contest and is based on distance scoring this year.
    The metro areas w/ lots of operators can be outscored by some of us in  less populated grids. The rules are here:

    If you know anyone that doesn't receive these emails, please pass this along.   Via email or on your local repeater nets.  

    . Hope to hear you on the air. 

    I will see some of you at the AES Superfest.


    Dave, WV9E


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