[VHFcontesting] big 4-sale items

Ron Klimas WZ1V wz1v at sbcglobal.net
Thu Apr 15 17:05:30 PDT 2010

update: Tower is spoken for:

Besides small items I'm be bringing to the Eastern VHF-UHF Conference 
Sunday fleamarket, I have some big items I'd rather not haul.

1. Rohn 25 tower, five 10' sections, plus short (~18") flat top 
section with TB-3 thrust bearing mounted at top, rotor plate below. 
Very good condition, $250. You haul. I'm only an hour from the 
conference hotel, you can follow me home Sunday.

2. Approx 190 feet 7/8" corrugated hardline (looks like Andrews but 
marking has faded), has N on one end plus short 7/8" N-N jumper (you 
can remove one conn. to put on main run). Very good condition has 
been stored indoors, $200. I could be persuaded to haul this to 
Enfield Sunday, but only if there's serious interest. Email me.

Was saving these for second tower but surplus to my needs now.
-73, Ron WZ1V

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