[VHFcontesting] 36th Annual Eastern VHF/UHF Conference April 16-18
Ron Klimas WZ1V
wz1v at sbcglobal.net
Wed Feb 17 14:01:45 PST 2010
From: Bruce <n2liv at optonline.net>
EASTERN VHF/UHF CONFERENCE APRIL 16, 17 & 18, 2010 (posted 2-17-10)
Just a reminder - Eastern VHF/UHF Conference April 16, 17 & 18.
Speakers to date :
9:00 W3SO Contest Station by Marty W3YZO
10:00 W1GHZ TBD
11:00 VHF DXpeditions by Chris W3CMP
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Tower Erection & Safety By Steve W1SMS
2:00 Low Cost RF Power Meter + Other Projects by Bob KI2L
3:00 Band Switch Repair of the HP8555A Microwave
Spectrum Analyzer by Dick WA2AAU
4:00 TBD
Also, we have added 5 & 10 GHZ antenna range
testing on Sunday as part of the flea market by Paul W1GHZ.
So bring your dishes along for testing.
WEB site is updated for registration by mail or
PayPal, Also reserve your hotel rooms block under
NEWS or N10 code, $99 per note. If you plan on
selling at flea market Sunday it is free but
please notify K1MAP so he can reserve a spot.
Thanks Bruce N2LIV
Call for Papers and presentations for the 36th Annual Eastern VHF/UHF
Conference April 16, 17 & 18th, 2010 Crowne Plaza Hotel, Enfield, Ct.
The NorthEast Weak Signal Group (NEWS) is calling
for the submission of papers and presentations
for the upcoming 36th Annual Eastern VHF/UHF
Conference to be held once again at the Crowne
Plaza Hotel in Enfield, CT on April 16, 17 &
18th, 2010. Papers and presentations are
solicited on both the technical and operational
aspects of VHF, UHF and Microwave weak signal amateur radio.
In general papers and presentations on non weak
signal related topics will not be accepted but
exceptions may be made if the topic is related to
weak signal. The deadline for the submission of
papers and presentations is March 15, 2010. All
submissions for the proceedings should be in
Microsoft Word (.doc) or PDF formats. Submissions
for presentation at the conference should be in
PowerPoint (.ppt) format, and delivered on either
a USB memory stick or CDROM or posted for
download on a web site of your choice. Pages are
8 and 1/2 by 11 inches with a 1 inch margin on the bottom and ¾ inch
margin on the other three sides. All text,
drawings, photos, etc. should be in color if
possible for inclusion in the Conference
Proceedings CD. Station photos and rover operations are welcome.
Please indicate when you submit your paper or
presentation if you plan to attend the conference
and present there or if you are submitting just
for publication. Papers and presentations will be
published in a CD format conference
proceedings. Send all questions, comments and
submissions to the program chair,
Bruce Wood N2LIV via N2LIV at optonline.net.
We will have a Hospitality Suite for early arrivals on Friday Evening
starting at 7:00PM to 11:00 PM. Conference registration will begin on
Saturday at 7:30 AM and talks and band sessions
will start at 8:30 AM. A banquet dinner, Triva
quiz and prize raffles will begin at 7:00 PM. On
Sunday an outdoor flea market, weather
permitting, will begin at 8:00 to 11:00 AM.
Starting this year flea market admission will be
FREE for both buyers and sellers. VHF and above relate equipment items only..
We are planning several auctions both in the morning and afternoon
sessions to help raise money to help defray costs
of future conferences. If you have any decent
shape equipment you would like to donate please
bring it along to help support the cause and to clean out your shack.
- Compliments of Greg WA1VUG and R&S we will have the following test
capabilities available at the conference: If you
want things to happen we need your HELP- see below!!!
R&S ZVA and ZVL Vector Network Analyzers for component test (filter
responses, amplifier gain vs. freq, etc.) from 9
kHz to 40 (hopefully 50) GHz R&S FSUP Signal
Source Analyzer for phase noise measurement of
oscillators to 26 GHz (hopefully 50 GHz)
R&S FSQ Spectrum Analyzers for Noise Figure
measurements (to 24 GHz) and spectrum measurements (harmonics, spurs) to 26 GHz
R&S FSH handheld Spectrum Analyzer/Vector Network Analyzer for antenna
measurements/transmission line fault measurements (mobile installations)
We are looking for a few volunteers to help Greg
and watch the equipment when he takes a break,
Also, we need a few 12v power supplies, soldering
station, solder and small tools and jumper cables to assist the measurements.
If you can help please email me N2LIV at optonline.net
Registration is now open for this years
conference on April 16, 17 & 18th, 2010 in
Enfield,Ct. A block of Hotel Rooms is available
at the Crowne Plaza, Enfield under the NEWS group
or code N10 for $99. Call for local in-house hotel registration.
Further info to follow as it develops.
Thank you,
Bruce N2LIV
Conference Chairman
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