[VHFcontesting] Spectrum Inventory-The Band Is Open

Radioman radioman01 at comcast.net
Sun Jan 3 12:34:50 PST 2010

Hi Jim,

And welcome back, not jumping the gun here but the point was not be so  
eager to give up specturm, uless it's a must and were forced. The idea  
is to be aware of others and what others are doing for the good of the  
amateur community.

And not just say well I don't use 10 gig so what does it matter to me.

That was the point I was trying to make, not flame comments we all  
know there's enought of them around.


Sent from my iPod

On Jan 2, 2010, at 4:59 PM, "James Hayes" <n2yev94 at charter.net> wrote:

> Hi all,
> And in particular to the flamer I have earned as a respected  
> responder!
> I may be a 'NEWBIE' as far as this reflector, but I have been active  
> on the
> lower 4 VHF / UHF bands since 1999 and doing my part in keeping the  
> bands
> active so they will NOT be given to the materialistic biz interests  
> out
> there with more money (read power) than myself!
> I have been out of the contesting for the last 4 yrs, but that is  
> soon to
> change as I miss them very much. Just tower poor at the moment.  
> Having had
> mother nature take down the last one. Any way since the last contest  
> I have
> been active in my local club CVARC in interesting a good many older  
> hams in
> weak signal VHF and above work from digital to contests and back  
> again. I
> have been actively engaged it teaching from all the sources here on  
> the
> internet and hardcover publications that I have acquired over the  
> years
> (since I have had no elmer). I have made every effort in my power to  
> bring
> both support and interested bodies into the fold, so PLEASE do not  
> jump the
> gun and think I am at fault for not wanting to fight a battle that,  
> (to me),
> seems un-winnable due to the seemingly unlimited resources these big  
> biz's
> have at their disposal. I just feel that a certain amount of give  
> and take
> is in order for us to keep what we do have and band sharing is one  
> way of
> getting that done. I may be all wet in my thinking, but it is ONLY my
> OPINION, and am entitled to it as what it is, aren't I???
> NUFF SAID, and that being said is the last time I'll comment on this  
> thread.
> Jim, N2YEV
> FN34fo, Peru, NY
> n2yev at arrl.net
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