[VHFcontesting] VE3OIL/R EN82 EN92 EN93 FN02 FN03 FN04 FN13 FN14

russell beech rbeech2002 at yahoo.ca
Mon Jan 18 19:02:10 PST 2010

Hello all

It's that time of year again and I am planning another rove.  The weather looks to be a lot less unpleasant than last year.  Much warmer and no significant snow currently predicted.

I will be carrying 50 MHz through 10 GHz.  The bottom four bands are good 100 W stations.  903, 1296 and 2304 are OK 3W stations; the remainder are mW level.  I will monitor and meet skeds on 144.237 when not chasing activity.  I will also have 146.550 monitoring continuously.

I am planning the following route and timing:

Saturday (GMT)
FN13ax   2030 - 2210
FN14cc   2250 - 2450

FN04wb   0130 - 0400
EN93xh   1400 - 1520
FN03ah   1520 - 1620

EN92xx   2010 - 2100
FN02ax   2110 - 2210

EN92fn   0020 - 0120
EN82xg   0200 - 0400

I have implemeted a hands-free soulution and will be able to make contacts during transits from grid to grid.

I will accept skeds if interested, please e-mail at ve3oil at yahoo.ca and I will return a list of suggestions.  Meet on 144.237 and QSY up until we run out of propagation.


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