[VHFcontesting] VE3SMA/R Rover Plan for June VHF Contest

Steve Kavanagh sjkavanagh1 at yahoo.ca
Thu Jun 10 11:27:29 PDT 2010

I plan to be out roving again next weekend.  I'll have gear for 50 MHz - 24 GHz (plus laser) with me, all quite low power, but from quite good locations, mostly.  Essentially the same gear as last year's contests.  The schedule is as follows:

1945-2215 UTC FN14ba
2240-2300 UTC FN13bx 

0020-0130 UTC FN04wb
1230-1515 UTC FN03bi
1615-1845 UTC (mobile antennas only around the EN92/93/FN02/03 corner)
2000-2300 UTC EN92mp

0100-0300 UTC EN93sg

Sked requests are welcome.

Steve VE3SMA/R

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