[VHFcontesting] Gene W3ZZ Is Right On The Money!

Les Rayburn les at highnoonfilm.com
Tue Mar 2 12:33:20 PST 2010

I really have to agree with Gene, W3ZZ. We need to do all that we can to 
encourage those with more limited stations and make sure they can be 
competitive without investing in a 10 band station.

The Limited Rover category is a step in the right direction, and several 
have proven already that you can be competitive even without 222 MHz gear. I 
love Gene's idea of having a single band entry category during the major 

Trust me, I too was once a hopeless HF-holic. If we can find a way to get 
them to try it, I think many of them will become zealous converts to the VHF 

ARRL are you listening?


Les Rayburn, N1LF

Les Rayburn, Director
High Noon Film
100 Centerview Drive Suite 111
Birmingham, AL 35216-3748
205.824.8960 FAX
205.253.4867 CELL

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