[VHFcontesting] Activity in the ARRL VHF Contests SInce 1991

Marshall Williams k5qe at sabinenet.com
Thu Mar 4 10:22:48 PST 2010

Hello to everyone....Gene and I have had this discussion in private, but 
I think this is an important point.

contact or you did not.  If you make a contact, on 6M say, then you get 
1 point for that--and if you are lucky a new grid multiplier.  That is 
IT!!  There is nothing else.  What proceeded a contact attempt or what 
came afterwards, is meaningless.  As Master Yoda said, "Either DO, or do 
not do".  Of course, all the time honored "rules" for a valid VHF 
contact must be observed. 

The concept that a contact is "more pure", "more worthwhile", or "more 
valid" if it is made "Randomly" is pure Oscar Meyer.  I have just never 
understood this way of thinking. 

I agree that our objective is to get Joe706-Pack involved.  The only way 
that will happen is if Joe can make some contacts.  A LOT of contacts, 
the more the better.  All these knit picking rules that get in the way 
of that just hurt our cause.  VHF contesting is NOT HF contesting.  As 
Gene said, he made 250 QSOs on 432 in a contest--and that is from a big, 
well located Multi-Multi contest station.  On HF, they make those kinds 
of numbers in the first two hours.  The HF world and the VHF world are 
just different.  ASIDE:  I would LOVE to make 250 QSOs on 432....that 
would more than double our normal Q count on 432. 

What I have done in this area is to loan out mag mount antennas to 
Joe706 and let him go roving around a few grids.  Most newbies will 
quite easily run 6 grids during the contest.  I have never had one come 
back and say, "That was awful, I am never doing that again".  Many of 
them come back and want more and bigger antennas and some want another 
band!  This is a great way to get the smaller guys involved and the cost 
is quite reasonable.  We always try to send out the new rover with a 
Rover Elmer that can help him and show him how it works.  Often the 
Rover Elmer is in his own rover and they travel together for most of the 
contest.  This means that if Joe706 has some problem, the two rovers can 
stop in a parking lot while the Elmer tries to figure out what is 
wrong.  Sometimes, we get the Rover Elmer to ride "shotgun" with the new 
station.  Whatever works.

I look forward to the June contest....see you then....

73 Marshall K5QE

Eugene Zimmerman wrote:
> You make and have made some good points here Jim.
> The multiple entry/operator is an anomoly that could easily be eliminated.
> So long as you use an entirely separate station the rule should be the same
> as it is for the HF SS.
> Rule 1.2 is a sticky wicket. Beyond the hamfest situation it prevents a bus
> full of operators using a single rover station to pile up points for a
> friend - or a club for that matter. I don't see a way around that unless the
> rules allow an exception for demonstation purposes such as you have
> suggested.
> I have no problem with manufactured QSOs so long as the mode demands it like
> MS with FSK441. Small station EME schedules might be another such instance.
> But I just don't like schedules on modes that don't need them like cw and
> ssb tropo contacts. Or EME contacts between stations with sufficient antenna
> and power now that we have various forms of MAP65. For that matter
> essentially ALL ol our contacts above 2 meters are manufactured from
> schedules on 2 and 6 meters. The last time I looked at a counter from K8GP
> on 432 I saw less than 20 contacts as the result of over 4000 CQs and I had
> well over 250 Qs total that weekend.

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