[VHFcontesting] Getting beginners interested in VHF Contesting

Gabor Horvath ve7dxg at rac.ca
Fri Mar 5 12:46:50 PST 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Pruett" <k8cc at comcast.net>
Cc: "VHF Contesting Reflector" <vhfcontesting at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2010 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: [VHFcontesting] Getting beginners interested in VHF Contesting
> Lacking such an antenna, I think WA5VJB's "Cheap Yagis" are a great way
> to get started for low $$$.  I'm gonna try to build a few this summer
> for two reasons: 1) To see for myself how reproduceable these antennas
> are, and 2) to have some antennas I can loan out if any of my "Joe706"
> friends wanna try VHF contesting.
> Just my $0.02
> 73, Dave/K8CC

That's exactly what I'll be doing hopefully in time for the 2m Spring 
Sprint. I have 4-5 guys interested in becoming "captive rovers" (just 
kidding about the captive part). Now I just have to dust off the 2m 
microwave driver rigs and organize a QSO party on the local skihill.
QST says there is an increase in the number of new licensees, now it's our 
job to elmer these folks into the VHF world. I think most of us on this list 
have an old all-mode rig (or two) kicking around in the garage that could be 
loaned out to a newbie.

Gabor, VE7DXG, CN88eu

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