[VHFcontesting] FLEX-1500 SDR Platform

Sebastian w4as at bellsouth.net
Sat Nov 27 07:36:01 PST 2010

I owned one very briefly, and returned it immediately.

I couldn't get over the lack of VOX.

73 de Sebastian, W4AS

On Nov 24, 2010, at 4:27 PM, Mike Benonis wrote:

> Folks,
> I was looking at the FLEX-100 SDR today as a potential IF rig for a VHF/UHF contest station (potentially for field or rover use as well).  Has anyone bought and used one of these rigs?  I'm particularly curious about performance--sensitivity and adjacent channel rejection would be two key specs I suppose.  Have you encountered any major roadblocks?  I read something on eHam about sequencing; I wonder if that's been resolved.
> Thanks!
> Best regards,
> Mike Benonis
> mike at benonis.net

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