[VHFcontesting] WB8BZK/R 432 Sprint Results

Mike Metroka VHFRover at aol.com
Sat Oct 9 09:11:44 PDT 2010

Nice, clear and warmer than average wx for the 432 fall sprint in
Chicagoland.  I had to run with low power (20W) as my power amp would not
power up after I keyed it into a short (antenna switch was in the grounded
position!). Not even the power LED lit. The good news is that after removing
power and looking inside for damage, none was found and it checked out
perfectly fine on the bench this morning! Go figure!

I ran for the full 4 hours and visited 4 grids (EN51, 52, 61 & 62) making a
total of 47 QSOs for a final score of 640 (3219 km total if this would have
been scored as a distance based contest).  My best distance was 228 km with
KF8QL whom I connected with from 3 out of the 4 activated grids. Conditions
must have been fairly good as my 20W seemed to get out okay or maybe the
other stations did most of the heavy lifting!

Thanks to W9GA, N9LB, WB9WOZ and K9JK/R for clean sweeps from all 4 of my
activated grids!

Score Calculation Summary:
MyGrid  Qs   Mults
EN51     8     6   =     96
EN52    15     8   =    240
EN61     8     5   =     80
EN62    16    7   =     224
Total     47                640

Thanks to the Southeastern VHF Society for sponsoring the Fall Sprints!


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