[VHFcontesting] K2QO/R QRV for September VHF QSO Party!

Mark Adams msadams60 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 8 09:58:39 PDT 2010

Hi Gang,

K2QO/R here. My substitute rover partner, K2ZR, and I will be on the road
with a new route! This year we are starting in FN31, western CT.

Our setup is 50MHz - 3456MHz CW/SSB, plus laser. We'll have FM on 146.55FM
going full time. The lower 4 bands are a solid 100W+, 903-2.4 GHz are medium
power and 3.4GHz is flea power with good Mojo.

While mobile we'll be hammering out continuous CW CQs on 2 and 6M close to
144.180 and 50.180. Make sure that your paddles are connected!!!!

All times Eastern (and VERY loose):

2PM until 6PM:    FN31, Dennis Hill
7PM until 8PM:    FN32, Taconic State Pkwy
10PM until 1AM:  FN23da,   Little Falls, NY

7AM until 10AM : FN22dw
12PM until 1PM:  FN13gb
2PM  until 4PM:   FN12au
5PM  until 6PM:   FN03xa
7PM until 11PM:  FN02vu

The traditional *Sunday Rover Dinner* at Pontillo's will be held at *6PM*.

If you want a sked, we'll plug it into RoverLog and hope for the best. We
seem to run about 10% on skeds for some reason. Good luck to all and see you
on the bands this weekend.

Mark K2QO and Dick K2ZR (the cZaR of CW!)
Cell: 716.863.7229

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