[VHFcontesting] 2011 Spring Sprints ARE Happening

Spring Sprints springvhfuhfsprints at gmail.com
Mon Apr 11 12:42:37 PDT 2011

As I was last year, I am again delinquent is fulfilling my duties as host
for the Spring VHF/UHF Sprints. Thanks to others who have been promoting
them in my absence and I hope this is in time for the moderator of the
VHFcontesting reflector to approve and send on "today".


The Dates have been announced correctly...today/this evening being the 144
MHz Spring Sprint, 7-11pm LOCAL time.

Distance scoring continues for 2011; 1 point per km, based on SIX-Character
Grid Locator distances.

PLEASE exchange SIX-Character Grid Locators AND record them in your logs.
This means to EXCHANGE all SIX Characters over the air and LOG what is
exchanged, do NOT use database look ups that may have the 5th and 6th
character. IF a station knows ONLY their FOUR-Character Grid Locator, record
JUST the FOUR characters. ALSO, if you use a logging program that will not
allow you to put all SIX Characters for YOUR Grid IN the Log (the N3FJP VHF
Logger being one logging program with which Spring Sprint participants have
experienced such difficulty), you MUST add a note (ideally a line in the
SOAPBOX: area of the log) with ALL SIX characters of YOUR locator (or
locatorS for Rovers). If your logging program won't allow you to record ALL
SIX characters then please consider using the Web-to-Cabrillo forms (see
below) to submit your entry.

Bruce Horn, WA7BNM, HAS updated the Spring Sprint Web to Cabrillo forms for
144 MHz...go to http://www.b4h.net/cabforms/ and scroll down to the "VHF
Sprints" area and look for "2011 144 MHz Spring
(The forms for other bands will be updated from 2010 to 2011 prior to their

E-Mail address for *Cabrillo* formatted logs: springsprintlogs at gmail.com

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE submit logs electronically in the Cabrillo format
but, if you MUST send a paper log, the requirement will again be that the
paper log be RECEIVED by the deadline, 14 days AFTER the contest, April
26th, so plan on getting it IN the mail ASAP (that is - postmarked WELL
BEFORE April 26th). Mailing address is:
     2011 Spring Sprints
     c/o Chuck Towner - W9KQJ
     PO BOX 73
     PALATINE, IL  60078-0073

For Rovers, they can be worked MULTIPLE times and the distance for ONE QSO
will count from each different FOUR-character Grid in which the Rover is
contacted. For example, I often visit EN62ad AND EN62aa in
 Sprints as a Rover...since BOTH are EN62, only ONE could count as
distance (which would be checkd to verify which was the longer distance) BUT
if I were ALSO contacted in EN61ax, EN51xx and EN52xa, the
distances for EACH of THOSE WOULD count. When contacting Rovers, remember
that Rovers are "new" stations when they move to a different FOUR-character
locator but PLEASE Exchange AND Record the ALL SIX Characters with/from the

Regarding "assistance" - "Use of telephone, packet or internet methods to
schedule contacts during the contest IS acceptable. HOWEVER, The telephone,
packet or internet channel is NOT to be used while the contact is in
progress. No “OK I am hearing you now.” over the alternate (non amateur
radio) channel. The alternate (non amateur radio) channel SHALL NOT be
available in any way to the operator during the contact. The complete
exchange of call signs and SIX Character grids must be accomplished on the
relevant amateur radio band." This is essentially the SAME rule as the
Southeast VHF Society has for the Fall Sprints, though it is restricted to
ONLY the Microwave event for Fall...for Spring Sprints (and at least for
2011) this applies to ALL of the Spring Sprint events.

73, 'JK' (K9, that is), Spring Sprint host and log-checking human

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