[VHFcontesting] VE3CRU/R DXing in UHF Test

Bill Burgess ve3cru at rac.ca
Thu Aug 4 18:17:45 PDT 2011

The Rovermobile will be activated, looking for DX in the ARRL UHF Contest this weekend, running limited bands and grids, rain or shine.

Bands will be 222.200 FM horizontal, with 223.5 vertical available by request, 432 cw and ssb and 1296 ssb and cw.   Prime freq will be 432.115 when not S & P.

Grids Saturday will be:

FN14ba - 1800z to 1930z
FN13bx -  2030z to 2100z
FN04xa -  2300z to 0100z
FN03tw -  0145z to 0300z

Sunday, no specific plans, if out be close to home.   FN04na possible.

Good luck to all who will be active in the contest.

Bill   VE3CRU/R 

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