[VHFcontesting] Microwave Update 2011 and Eastern VHF/UHF Proceedings and T-shirts available now

Ron Klimas WZ1V wz1v at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 26 11:57:47 PDT 2011

From: Paul Wade <w1ghz.q at gmail.com>
Subject: Microwave Update 2011 and Eastern VHF/UHF Proceedings and
  T-shirts available now

Microwave Update 2011 and Eastern VHF/UHF Proceedings books, CDs, and
T-shirts are now available.

The Proceedings books will be available as long as our stock lasts, then
they will be available from Lulu through the ARRL.

Proceedings CD with everything in the book plus additional material is also

T-shirts - present stock is only in size mens Large.  I will place an
additional order for other sizes requested in about two weeks.    after that
order, no more will be available.  picture on the web page.

Combination of all three is available at a reduced price.


Presentation slides will be available online sometime in the near future if
authors permit.

questions to w1ghz.arrl at gmail.com

73 Paul

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