[VHFcontesting] N1WK 6M Skimmer

KB1H kb1h at ct.metrocast.net
Wed Sep 28 18:00:11 PDT 2011

HI All -

We have changed the settings at N1WK 6M skimmer to spot all not just CQs.

We felt beacons being heard would be an advantage. 

We had gotten emails asking us to not spot everything as the skimmer does make spots and mistakes for valid but really unheard calls like EE5E.

We have quit spotting to the Reverse Beacon Network but you can still connect at dxc.kb1H.com 7304 to see what is being heard.

Dick - KB1H

Visit "The Barnstormers Contest Group - NZ1U"
website http://www.qsl.net/kb1h/
24/7 Webcam Link on the website
Email KB1H at arrl.net   YCCC----> http://www.yccc.org/
KB1H DXSpider Node ------>  dxc.kb1h.com port 7300
2 Meter access on 144.930 Mhz.

NZ1U-3 Skimmer -----> dxc.kb1h.com  port 7303

N1WK 6M Skimmer ----> dxc.kb1h.com 7304

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