[VHFcontesting] "List" of FM Frequencies

Les Rayburn les at highnoonfilm.com
Thu Dec 13 12:08:20 EST 2012

I completely agree with Jeff Thomas, WA4ZKO in this regard, and made the 
same suggestion to Sean Kutzo this morning. The list cannot be 
"mandatory" but
rather a suggested list that we could promote. I'd suggest no more than 
five frequencies nationally. Even if one or two are unavailable in your 
region, there
would still be plenty to handle the traffic that can reasonably be expected.

I think this would give a much better chance of success than what we 
have now. (A bunch of newcomers wandering around in the darkness, 
calling "Monitoring for contest"
and receiving no replies)

We could promote the list via club e-mail lists, newsletters, on-air 
nets, etc. Maybe even the ARRL Letter and website.

In the Southeast, there is a group of high powered simplex operators who 
use gain antennas, and seem to gather on .555. Other than that, I have no
suggestions for the list. Can some of our more experienced members 
recommend five frequencies to "push"?


*Les Rayburn, N1LF*
121 Mayfair Park Maylene, AL 35114
6M VUCC #1712
Grid Pirates #222
Life Member Central States VHF

WPC4LF Popular Communications Monitor ID

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