[VHFcontesting] [VHF] K5UHF

Jon Pearl - W4ABC jonpearl at tampabay.rr.com
Mon Jul 30 21:16:58 PDT 2012

Hi Steve.

I don't know what the formatting is going to look like of this copy and 
past but you'll get the idea...

*UTC Date/Time* 	*Spotter* 	*QRG* 	*DX* 	*km* 	*Prop.* 	*Text* 
*SFI* 	*A* 	*K* 	*E.MUF*
2009-05-05 01:39:04 	VE7IRA <../callbook/info.php?Callsign=VE7IRA&Lan=E> 
(CN89MF <../callbook/info.php?Locator=CN89MF&Lan=E>) 	50.260 	W5UHF 
<../callbook/info.php?Callsign=W5UHF&Lan=E> (EL19MM 
<../callbook/info.php?Locator=EL19MM&Lan=E>) 	3099 	Multihop ES 
CN89MF<ES>EL19MM JT6M<iden_spots.php?IdReg=922289> 	68 	3 	0 	-

I threw W5UHF in the search box at: 
http://www.vhfdx.info/spots/index.php?Lan=E and asked the database to 
look back as far as January 2005.  It looks like just one hit from 2009 
for the V-Uhf bands.

Funny... I just Photoshopped up a card for a semi-rare grid in 
California for a non-communicative type.  I can't get him to answer 
emails as to whether or not he QSL's so maybe a glossy card with his 
callsign on top of a picture depicting his old gold rush town's downtown 
district will do the trick.  All I need is his signature and to throw 
the card in the provided SASE.


Jon Pearl - W4ABC

On 7/30/2012 10:28 PM, Crownhaven wrote:
> Does anyone know if K5UHF is active?  I have been trying to get in 
> touch with him regarding a QSL card I need.  Any leads would be 
> appreciated.
> Steve, N4JQQ, EM55bd
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