[VHFcontesting] DM-02

Kent Tiburski k6fq at arrl.net
Fri Mar 2 15:39:31 PST 2012

Hi All,

  Right now I'm in the planning stages of going back to San Clemente Island,
DM-02, for this year's June VHF contest.  Since most of the focus recently
has been the FFMA Award I am planning on doing 6 METERS ONLY.  The logistics
of getting things out and back are difficult at best so more than one band
would be unsupportable.  I plan on using SSB/CW and WSJT.  My station will
be an FT-897D, Elecraft KPA-500 , three element yagi and a few Vee beams
(3.5 wl long per side).  I'd like to bring more folks here in San Diego out
but because of security that won't be possible.  I know a lot of folks still
need this rare grid so I thought I'd dangle the carrot as it were and maybe
get some feedback.  I'm hoping my schedule will be clear to do this.  Will
know in a month or so.  Thanks!

73, Kent, K6FQ

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