[VHFcontesting] 432 MHz Fall Sprint results for N9LB - Wisconsin

Lloyd Berg - N9LB lloydberg at charter.net
Fri Oct 5 08:01:09 EDT 2012

432 MHz Fall Sprint results for N9LB

Participation seemed really low, only three contacts with "regulars".  Guess
people were watching the debates on TV.  Too bad because conditions were
better than average and there was excellent tropo to my East ( probably over
Lake Michigan ).

The highlight of the contest was being called by VE3ZV, 459.9 miles distant,
my best DX to date for the 70cm band ( and my first 432 contact with
Canada ).

Also I put three 8-land stations are in the log that I would not be able to
work under flat propagation conditions.

KB9TEN    EN53
WA9KRT    EN61
W9RM      EN52
KB9WLM    EN40
WW8M      EN72
K8MM      EN83
VE3ZV     EN92
KC9CLM    EN52
N8DJB     EN81

Station equipment is FLEX-1500, Down East Microwave Transverter, and single
long boom yagi.


Lloyd - N9LB EN52 ( 10 miles south of Madison, WI )

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