[VHFcontesting] K5QE and the Sept VHF Contest...

Marshall-K5QE k5qe at k5qe.com
Sat Sep 8 01:36:31 EDT 2012

Hello to everyone who is planning to participate in the ARRL Sept VHF 
contest.  The K5QE contest station will be operational during the 
contest and we would love to get you into our log.

We will be operating 6M meteor scatter from about 8PM CDST(maybe a bit 
earlier if 6M is dead) until 7AM on Sunday morning.  We invite all those 
that are within range to look for us on 50.265MHz.  We will often call 
CQ K5QE 265 on 50.260MHz, but we will make our QSOs on 50.265....so 
please call us there.  We will employ normal sequencing....so when we 
are westernmost, we will take First Sequence.  When our antennas are 
pointed W or NW, we will take Second Sequence.

We will operate 2M meteor scatter from about 8PM to 1AM Sunday morning.  
We will be working on 144.142MHz and making our QSOs there.  We will 
call CQ K5QE 142 on 144.140MHz, but we will finish our QSOs on 
144.142MHz.  This follows the normal practice of not making contacts on 
the calling frequency.

After 1AM Sunday CDST(= 0600Z) we will be running EME on 144.142MHz 
taking Second Sequence.  We will have the 432 EME station operational 
after our moonrise as well.  SO, if you are EME capable, please look for 
us and work us off the moon.

After about 7AM local time Sunday morning, we will revert to normal 
tropo operations on both 6M and 2M.  HOWEVER, we will continue to look 
for new EME contacts until our moonset.  If we see an EME caller, we 
will stop tropo operations just long enough to work that station.

Please note that during the early morning hours on Sunday, tropo 
enhancement often occurs.  Look for us during those hours on Sunday 
morning....say from 7AM to about 10AM.  Often, contacts can be made 
during those "magic hours" that would otherwise be impossible.

GL to everyone in the contest.....

73 Marshall K5QE and the whole QE contest team

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