[VHFcontesting] K7XC - Fall 2012 - For Sale List #1

k7xc at charter.net k7xc at charter.net
Sun Sep 9 15:52:58 EDT 2012

K7XC - Fall 2012 - For Sale List #1

Collins R-388/51J-3 Rcvr, 540khz - 30.5MHz in thirty 1MHz bands. Very 
Good Condition. $350
Hallicrafters S-40A gen covg rcvr, 540KHz - 40.0MHz in four bands. Good 
Condition. $100
Pioneer SX-424 AM/FM Receiver, beautiful wood cabinet, 15w per channel, 
Great Condition. $100
AN/GRR-23 Radio receiver set, 116-150 MHz, AM, Fabulous Condition, $25
AN/GRR-24 Radio receiver set, 225-400 MHz, AM, Fabulous Condition, $25
AN/GRT-21 Radio transmitting set, 116-150 MHz, AM, Fabulous Condition, 
Hamtronics T50 222 Mhz FM Xmtr, Xtal Controlled W/9 Xtals Included, 
Assembled $50
Fluke PM9020/092 10:1 200 MHz O-Scope Probe, NOS, UNUSED In Factory 
Pouch W/Accessories $25
100-250 MHz, 1000-Watt, Bird 43 slug, Near Mint Condition $60
100-250 MHz,  250-Watt, Bird 43 Slug, Great Condition. $40
Telewave 19" Rackmount Power Meter W/ PM-2A-50 500W 50 Mhz Sensor. 
Fwd/Rev switch. $100
Antique Weston Model 280 DC Volt/Ampmeter, Working Ranges: 3V 15V 150V; 
3A 15A 30A. Good Condition $20
Eico Model 324 Signal Generator, 150 Khz thru 435 Mhz in several bands, 
Like New Condition,  $25
Henry C130A30 144 Mhz FM VHF Amplifier. 30 watts in 130 watts out. Very 
Good Condition. $80
Cushcraft Ringo Ranger 2M Vertical, Good Condion, $30
K1FO 28ele 432MHz Yagi, Great Condition, $100 (Pickup or a bit more to 
cover addnl time to disassemble/Ship)
Glenayre #GL-AC2825 28VDC, 25A, power supply, new/unused Condition, 
Tested Working.  $25
Hy-Gain Heavy Duty boom-to-mast clamp Assy (Incl 1 Boom Bracket & 2 Cast 
Aluminum Mast Clamps) $30
Hy-Gain Hvy Duty Element To Boom Brackets - Kit of 7 (For the TH7DXX), 
Heavy Duty, Used, Great Cond, $30
Rohn Heavy Duty Egg Insulators, Rated to 20,000 Lbs, 3 lbs each, In 
Great Condition. Total of Nine $30
Bethea's UB-1-C Universal Roller/Pulley, Extremely heavy, Used & In 
Great Condition. $30
Pair of Ceramic Tube Socket for 3-500 and 4-400 Tubes, Great Condition. 
Hvy Duty Silver Plated RF Switch 13 Kv, 30 Amp. 11 pos. 5 wafers . 4" 
diameter, 8" behind panel depth. $40
Single Section Air Variable Capacitor, 14-365pf, 1-3/8" x 1-3/16" x 
1-5/16", Like New Condition, $10
Single Section Air Variable Capacitor, 18-415pf, 1-3/8" x 1-3/8" x 
1-3/4", Great Condition, $10
Single Section Air Variable Capacitor, 9-120pf, 1-3/8" x 1-3/8" x 
1-3/4", Good Condition, $10
Dual Section Air Variable Capacitor, 14-365pf & 10-220pf, 1-1/2" x 
1-1/2" x 2-3/8", Good Condition, $10
Dual Section Air Variable Capacitor, 12-350pf & 10-210pf, 1-3/8" x 
1-3/8" x 1-3/4", Good Condition, $10
Barker and Williamson 40TVL 40M Coil on Millen Jackbar, Fair Condition. 
Barker and Williamson 20BVL 20M Coil on Millen Jackbar, Good Condition. 
Barker and Williamson 10BL  10M Coil on Millen Jackbar, Good Condition. 
Barker and Williamson 10BEL 10M Coil on Millen Jackbar, Good Condition. 
homebrew coil replicating B & W unit, 10 turn outer coil, 2 turn inner 
coil $10
homebrew coil replicating B & W unit,  6 turn outer coil, 4 turn inner 
coil $10
6146A - 9 used pulls + 2 in original boxes = 11 total, untested, As-IS 
6146B - 2 used pulls, 1 in original box, untested, As-IS - $5
6336A - 2 used pulls in original boxes, untested, As-IS - $4
3CX100A5 - 1 used pull in original box, untested, As-IS - $2
6BL7GTA - 1 used pull in original box, untested, As-IS - $2
Box of 16 antique Recieving Tubes, A mix of glass & metal envelopes. $20
Micronta NOS Precision VU Panel Meter, Unused, In original Box, $10
Richdel SR1 Hvy Duty Starter Relay, Mint Condition, Locking Outdoor 
Case, Unused, With Instruction Manual. $20
Wagner Power Painter - Way Better & Faster Than Using A Tray/Roller, 
Great Condition, Used once, $40
Wagner PaintEater - Awesome Way To Remove Old Paint & Not Hurt Wood, 
Great Condition, Used, $40
Minolta X-700 35mm SLR Camera W/ Std & Telephoto Lenses In a padded 
case, Like New Condition, $100
Minolta X-370 35mm SLR Camera W/ Std, Telephoto, & Wide Angle Lenses In 
padded case, Like New Cond, $100
Pentax P30T 35mm SLR Camera Body, In Original Box W/Manual, Mint 
Condition  $30
BTC Mini Integrator II, Integrated Darkroom Timer, good Condition, $20

This is the first list of items for sale this fall.

Any questions, requests for pics, offers, etc... please by all means 
contact me at K7XC at charter.net

73s de Tim - K7XC - DM09nm... sk

(Facing forclosure and need to empty the house & garage)

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