[VHFcontesting] 6M Fall Sprint report from N9LB - EN52 - WI

Lloyd Berg - N9LB lloydberg at charter.net
Sun Aug 11 13:12:42 EDT 2013

The contest started out very interesting with solid QSOs with two Canadian
stations in the first few minutes:

VE3JVG, Brampton, ON,  FN03 Distance 485.9 mi, ( 781.9 km)

VE3CRU/R, FN04na, 532 miles, ( 856.11 km )

Signals were so consistent I thought we had an e-skip opening.  Those
contacts were followed by lots of brief meteor pings from stations east of
me but never enough to complete any more really long distance QSOs.

Other long distance (Tropo?) QSOs with:

K8QK, EN82,  303 miles ( 488 km) ( my only CW contact )

N8JX, Bear Lake, MI, EN64, 188 miles ( 303 km)

K9JK-Rover supplied EN51, EN52, EN61, and EN62.  Distance ranged from 87
miles to 96 miles.

24 contacts with 21 unique calls.   That is two more contacts than in 2012!

Thanks to all who got on the air for the 6M Fall Sprint.  Hope to see you in


Lloyd - N9LB   EN52  ( Wisconsin )

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