[VHFcontesting] 903 gear F.S. *SOLD*

Bill Olson callbill at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 13 17:35:09 EST 2013

that was fast.. The complete setup is sold. Thanks everyone. bill

 > From: callbill at hotmail.com
> To: vhfcontesting at contesting.com
> Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2013 21:33:15 +0000
> Subject: [VHFcontesting] 903 gear F.S.
> Hi all,
> Here's a complete 903 transverter/amplifier setup that i am   selling which belonged to Stan, K3IPM, you may have worked it during the past   couple January contests! All the gear has been used ONLY during january   contests for the past 4 years with the exception of the Tohtsu relay and   preamp which were new last year. The transverter is the modern type in   the clamshell box with Helical resonators and a PF0011 10 watt hybrid module   in the output, ATF101 GaAs FET in the front end, adjustable drive level up to 10w or so. The amp runs on 12 volts (not 24 like some of the surplus stuff, so convenient for rover) and similar to the   old DEMI 2335PA which used a pair of discrete transistors combined with Sage   wireline. This one is setup for Gnd to TX instead of the normal +12 to TX.   (It's a 'straight thru' amp, no RF switching). Preamp is the old 33LNA in the   small 2" x 4" diecast (non-waterproof) box. All this stuff has been set up as   a unit and works well at well o
>  ver 40 watts out. The amp is probably a bit drive   starved.. I am selling the components separately but will offer a discount if   you buy the whole package..
> DEMI 903-144 10 watt 903 transverter   common IF, split RF. $280
> DEMI 3350PA 10 watt in - 50 watt out linear power   amp using combined 2SC4624, 12 volt (Steve says this was a production model for a short time). $160
> DEMI 33LNA 903 preamp GaAs FET, <1dBNF >12db gain, type N   in and out $50
> Tohtsu CX520D type N coax relay 12v, one year old, only used   for ONE contest $60
> ALL of the above $500 and will throw in the   interconnecting cables and small keying circuit to make all above work   together with single PTT line, (PTT-L)
> all in perfect working condition.   Shipping extra, PayPal payment  preferred.
> can send pix if you want!
> bill, k1DY in Maine
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