[VHFcontesting] Small Pistol Needs a Faster Gun (er..rotor)

Les Rayburn les at highnoonfilm.com
Tue Jan 22 04:07:39 EST 2013

When you have a weak signal, you have to resort to some techniques to 
help you work new stations during a contest or band opening.

One technique that has worked for me is to "piggy back" the contacts of 
bigger stations. This past weekend, I made several contacts by listening 
to Neil Taylor N4ION works stations. I'd hear Neil give their call sign, 
quickly enter it into QRZ.com or check it against my cheat-sheet of 
frequent VHF operators, and then spin the beam in their direction.

If I'm quick enough, I can usually call them at the end of Neil's 
contact, and snag a new one. But this is dependent on being able to get 
the beam around fast enough. I'm using a Channel Master TV rotor to spin 
the beams in my attic. It's reasonably accurate in it's pointing but 

A few months ago, I swapped it out for for a used Ham VI rotor, but 
didn't find it to be much faster, and disliked the analog controller.

So, I'm hoping someone can point me in the direction of a faster rotor. 
Do they publish specs on the rotational speed of these things? Any help 
at all appreciated.

*Les Rayburn, N1LF*
121 Mayfair Park Maylene, AL 35114
6M VUCC #1712
Grid Pirates #222
Life Member Central States VHF

WPC4LF Popular Communications Monitor ID

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