[VHFcontesting] Self-Spotting for Rovers
Les Rayburn
les at highnoonfilm.com
Fri Jan 25 13:18:10 EST 2013
In complete agreement with Jay, Marshall, and others.
If we could make only one rule change in the ARRL Rules for contests
above 50 MHz it should be to allow
rovers to self-spot and announce their call sign, six digit grid square,
and frequency on Internet reflectors, APRS, repeaters, or other venues.
I'm not even opposed to allowing them to make cell phone calls!
Anything that rewards rovers for their efforts is a benefit to us all.
Nothing worse than running through a tank of gas, making a long trek to
remote locations, and then failing to attract the attention of fixed
There's also an operator safety issue. In the ARRL UHF Contest in 2009,
I was operating in a remote location in EM61. I took an unpaved public
road to the top of a small hill just before sundown. There was literally
not a soul around for miles---within a half hour or so, 15-20 rough
looking locals showed up on motorcycles to park at the top of the same
hill in the clearing.
I got a bunch of angry looks, and could tell that the vibe wasn't right.
Fortunately, my cell still worked, so I called my wife and gave her my
lat/long location and the name of the road according to my GPS. And
drove away quickly. I had told her that if she didn't hear from me in
twenty minutes to call the cops.
Scary. So much so that I didn't exit the vehicle to lower the 2 Meter
dual loops, and ended up shearing off the fiberglass pole that they were
mounted on passing a tree limb overhang on the way down. I dragged those
loop another five miles before I dared to stop and collect them.
*Les Rayburn, N1LF*
121 Mayfair Park Maylene, AL 35114
6M VUCC #1712
Grid Pirates #222
Life Member Central States VHF
WPC4LF Popular Communications Monitor ID
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