[VHFcontesting] Contest date change

Steve Tripp (K1IIG) stephen.tripp at snet.net
Tue Jan 29 11:36:59 EST 2013

I am ok with changing the hours or moving it back a week as long as the 
majority agree. I noticed the ARRL has not weighed in on all this. From my 
personal perspective, I would like to see my NEWS group friend Jeff move a 
week earlier while all of us keep the existing date, this way I have a 
SLIGHTLY better chance of a topping his score. HIHI
Steve K1IIG

> So instead of changing the contest date, just change the time. 0000z 
> Saturday until 1700z Sunday. This fixes a couple of things. It give two 
> mornings for tropo and the contest is over before the football games 
> start. Yes, it's a bit longer but look at the HF tests that are 48 hours!
> Terry - W8ZN


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