[VHFcontesting] Yagi vs Moxon

Mike (KA5CVH) Urich mike at ka5cvh.com
Tue Jul 16 10:58:48 EDT 2013

On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 9:27 AM, beamar <beamar at aol.com> wrote:

Personally I would not take a 3 element Yagi, roving. But a Moxon, I
would take.

Mike wrote

I tend to agree that is why I am looking at the Moxon.  I have the old
CC A50-3S that works but looking to minimize the footprint and
overhead <no pun> of the bigger antenna some.  I see the trade off as
a small price to pay as we all know when 6 is open it doesn't take a
lot of horsepower.

Mike Urich KA5CVH

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