[VHFcontesting] Moxon Yagi loopers roving

Rick R rick1ds at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 16 13:38:15 EDT 2013

I have used a variety of all of the above while roving over 20 years. 
I currently use the 6m Moxon for light weight and ease of handling. It's OK, and when 6 is open, it doesn't matter what antenna you have as a rover, as long as it can radiate. I have written about that in the June VHF summaries in QST of folks' experiences with all sorts of "wet noodles" and low power when 6 is open. Anything goes. The most important concern is that the antenna be high enough above the ground (or vehicle roof and other antennas) to allow it to radiate in the designed pattern. 
BUT--I have had some issues with the PAR Moxon. Over the few years I have used it, the lighter weight elements have sagged, the wire element has sagged and caught on things and pulled the tubular elements out of their holes. The insulator of the driven element also broke when the unit fell, but the company replaced that piece for free. All these are easy to repair. Overall I think it's a great rover antenna and I will continue to use it. 
I did use a 3L beam in the past, but I gave it away to a fellow ham who wanted to get on 6m. It was good when I used it, but a little too big for my rover setup. It really didn't make a difference what antenna I used for 6m. I have even used just a dipole. I have a 12 band rover, and the big deal for me is working fixed stations on 2m and then moving them up the bands. We hit 6m last as that is the 1 point band. And when 6 is open, any antenna works and few people stop to run the bands. 
I use 4 loopers for bands 9EFG and the key to keeping them in better shape roving is to mount them with the loops downward. You learn very quickly that low branches and leaves will catch and bend the loops when they are mounted in the up position. They are all mounted on 1 crossbar that is then fastened to the main mast. Polarization is still horizontal. GL. Rick, K1DS


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