[VHFcontesting] September VHF Conference, 1800 UTC Saturday, 9/14 and ends 0259 UTC Monday, 9/14

Mark Thompson wb9qzb_groups at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 14 11:41:49 EDT 2013

Full Contest Details
1. Object: To work as many amateur stations in as many 
different 2 degrees X 1 degree grid squares as possible using authorized 
frequencies above 50 MHz. Foreign stations work W/VE amateurs only.
2. Date and Contest Period: The second full weekend of 
September. Begins 1800 UTC Saturday and ends 0259 UTC Monday (September 
14-16, 2013).
3. Entry Categories:
3.1.Single Operator: One person performs all 
transmitting, receiving, spotting, and logging functions as well as equipment 
and antenna adjustments. Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any given 
time. Use of spotting assistance or nets (operating arrangements involving other 
individuals, DX-alerting nets, internet chat rooms, packet, etc) is not 
3.1.1.Single Operator Low Power: Power limits on any band may not exceed the 
following: 50 MHz and 144 MHz--200 W PEP. 222 MHz and 432 MHz--100 W PEP. 902 MHz and above--50 W PEP.
3.1.2. Single Operator High Power: Power limits on any band 
exceeds the limits for the Single Operator Low power.
3.1.3. Both Single Operator High and Low Power stations 
compete for all-band and single-band awards.
3.1.4. Overall and single-band winners are recognized both 
in QST score listings and in awards offered.
3.2.Single Operator Portable:
3.2.1. Ten (10) W PEP output or less.
3.2.2. Portable power source.
3.2.3. Portable equipment and antennas.
3.2.4. Single Operator Portable stations must operate from a 
location other than a permanent station location.
3.2.5. Single Operator Portable stations may not change 
locations during the contest period outside of the original 500-meter diameter 
permitted circle.
3.3. Single Operator, 3-Band: 
3.3.1. Restricted to 50, 144 and 432 MHz.
3.3.2. Power limits are 100 W PEP on 50 and 144 MHz, 50 W 
PEP on 432 MHz.
3.4. Single Operator, FM Only
3.3.1. All QSOs must be made using Frequency Modulation 
3.3.2. Restricted to 50, 144, 222 and 440 MHz.
3.3.3 Power limits are 100 W on all bands.
3.5. Rover: A rover is comprised of no more than two 
operators that moves among two or more grid squares during the course of a 
contest. An operator may perform any or all rover functions, but a driver's 
function shall be limited to driving the vehicle. Drivers may be switched out 
during the event. Any number of observers is also allowed, however observers may 
not perform any rover function at any time. Rover vehicles with only one 
occupant are allowed to perform all functions listed above.
3.5.1. A rover vehicle may transport only one station using 
a single call sign. An exception is provided for in "General Rules for All ARRL 
Contests" number 3.5 (Family Rule).
3.5.2. A rover may not operate with more than one call 
3.5.3. Rover vehicles must transport all the equipment, 
power supplies, and antennas used at each operating site.
3.5.4. Rovers MUST sign "rover" on Phone and /R on CW and 
digital modes after their call sign.
3.5.5. All Rovers are encouraged to adopt operating 
practices that allow as many stations as possible to contact them.
3.5.6. Rover operators may submit separate logs for single 
operator (fixed station) in addition to their rover entries. Rovers submitting a 
score for inclusion in a club competition must also include a secondary summary 
sheet indicating the portion of the score that counts for the club score if any 
of the QSOs submitted take place outside of their club's territory.
3.5.7. Rovers are permitted to use APRS. Rovers using APRS 
transmit only their call sign and position. Any multi-op station may access 
rover APRS data directly or via the Internet.
3.5.8. A rover may not make more than 100 QSOs with any 
other one rover.
3.6. Limited Rover. Same as the "Rover" class 
above, but competes using only the lowest four bands available for any given 
contest (6M - 432 MHz for VHF+ contests, 222MHz - 1.2 GHz for August UHF). 
Output power limits shall be the same as those defined for the Single Operator 
Low Power category (2.1.1)
3.7. Unlimited Rover.Same as "Rover" 
class above, but Unlimited Rovers may use no more than two operators and are 
exempt from rules 3.5.3 and 3.5.8.
3.7.1. Unlimited Rover scores may NOT be applied to a club 
score for Club Competition.
3.8. Multioperator (includes Single 
Operator stations that use spotting assistance):
3.8.1.Multioperator (Unlimited): Stations 
submit logs with more than four bands used.
3.8.2. Limited Multioperator: Stations submit logs with a maximum of four bands used. (Logs from additional 
bands used, if any, should be included as checklogs.)
4. Exchange: Grid-square locator.
4.1. Exchange of grid square is required. Exchange of signal 
report is optional.
5. Scoring:
5.1. QSO points:
5.1.1. Count one point for each complete 50- or 144-MHz 
5.1.2. Count two points for each 222- or 432-MHz QSO.
5.1.3. Count three points for each 902- or 1296-MHz QSO.
5.1.4. Count four points for each 2.3-GHz (or higher) 
5.2. Multiplier: The total number of 
different grid squares worked per band. Each 2 degrees X 1 degree grid square 
counts as one multiplier on each band it is worked.
5.3. Final score: Multiply the total number 
of QSO points from all bands operated by the total number of multipliers for 
final score.
5.4. Rovers only: The final score consists of the total 
number of QSO points from all bands times the sum of unique multipliers (grid 
squares) worked per band (regardless of which grid square they were made in) 
plus one additional multiplier for every grid square activated (made a contact 
5.4.1. Rovers are listed in the contest score listings under 
the Division from which the most QSOs were made.
5.4.2. Rovers who submit scores for the club competition 
must submit a separate summary sheet and log indicating QSOs and scoreif 
they make any contacts from outside of the club territory. The summary 
sheet should be clearly marked “for club competition only” and must be emailed 
separately to contests at arrl.org
6. Miscellaneous:
6.1. Stations may be worked for credit only once per band 
from any given grid square, regardless of mode. This does not prohibit working a 
station from more than one grid square with the same call sign (such as a 
6.2. Only one signal per band (6, 2, 1 1/4, etc) at any 
given time is permitted, regardless of mode.
6.3. Multioperator stations may not include QSOs with their 
own operators except on frequencies higher than 2.3 GHz. Even then, a complete, 
different station (transmitter, receiver and antenna) must exist for each QSO 
made under these conditions.
7. Awards:
7.1. Certificates will be awarded in the following 
7.1.1. Top Single Operator High and Single Operator Low 
power in each ARRL/RAC Section.
7.1.2. Top Single Operator High and Single Operator Low 
power on each band (50, 144, 222, 432, 902, 1296 and 2304-and-up categories) in 
each ARRL/RAC Section where significant effort or competition is evident. (Note: 
Since the highest score per band will be the award winner for that band, an 
entrant may win a certificate with additional single-band endorsements.) For 
example, if KA1RWY has the highest single-operator low-power all-band score in 
the CT Section and her 50- and 222-MHz scores are higher than any other CT 
single operator’s, she will earn a certificate for being the single-operator 
Section leader and endorsements for 50 and 222 MHz.
7.1.3. Top Single Operator Portable in each ARRL/RAC Section 
where significant effort or competition is evident. (Single Operator Portable 
entries are not eligible for single-band awards.)
7.1.4. Top rover in each ARRL Division and Canada where 
significant effort or competition is evident. (Rover entries are not eligible 
for single-band awards.)
7.1.5. Top multi-operator score in each ARRL/RAC Section 
where significant effort or competition is evident. (Multioperator entries are 
not eligible for single-band awards.)
Top limited multi-operator in each ARRL/RAC Section where significant effort 
or competition is evident. (Limited multi-operator entries are not eligible for 
single-band awards.)
7.1.6. Top scoring club in each club competition category 
will be awarded a gavel.
See “General 
Rules for all ARRL Contests” for club competition information.
8. Submission: 
8.1. All submissions must be emailed to SeptemberVHF at arrl.orgor postmarked no later than 0300z Wednesday, October 16, 2013. Paper logs should be mailed to Sept VHF QSO Party, ARRL Contest Branch, 225 Main 
St, Newington, CT 06111. Logs mailed or emailed after the submission deadline 
may be designated as check logs.
8.2. Stations that use computers to log must send the 
electronic log in the Cabrillo file format for entry into the results. Submitted 
electronic files must be in ASCII / text readable format. A paper printout of an 
electronically created log is not an acceptable substitute for the required log 
8.3. Electronically submitted entries are considered 
8.4. Logs may be submitted via the special web 
8.5. All paper entries must include a fully completed 
summary sheet and a complete log of the contacts made.
9. Other:
9.1. See “General Rules for All ARRL Contests” and “General 
Rules for ARRL Contests on bands above 50 MHz (VHF)."
9.1.1 Questions? Contact contests at arrl.orgor (860) 594-0232begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (860) 594-0232 FREE  end_of_the_skype_highlighting 

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