[VHFcontesting] Mid-Atl States VHF Conf this coming weekend

Rick R rick1ds at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 22 19:44:32 EDT 2013

We hope that you can make it to our annual VHF Conference at the InnPlace Hotel in Bensalem, PA
Please let me know if you are coming so that we can alert the caterer for the right number. 
You can pay at the door---$45 for the conference and $45 for the banquet.
You must be registered and paid for both to be eligible for door prizes--and we have some great ones including
 FLEX-1500 SDR Radio, A Bird Wattmeter and choice of slug, an MFJ 
Antenna Analyzer (from DX Engineering) and dozens of other useful items.
Fri Eve, Sept 27 Hospitality and table-top selling
Saturday-Sept 28 Conference 8AM-5PM includes pizza lunch and snacks and proceedings disc
Sat Eve-Banquet Buffet, speaker and door prize drawing
Sunday Sep 29 8-11AM- Mini-outdoor hamfest (no fee for buyers or sellers)
All info at www.packratvhf.com 		 	   		  

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