[VHFcontesting] 2M Sprint

Joshua M. Arritt jarritt at vt.edu
Tue Apr 8 09:58:51 EDT 2014

Also, in Southwestern Virginia, fair condx and surprisingly high 
activity given the wretched WX. Almost didn't make it, threw the amp, 
817, and a Squalo/40' mast on the truck at the last minute and hopped up 
top the old standby ridgeline site.  Not idea, but given the fog, prob 
best I didn't trek to the 4k'AMSL peaks.  The road there is hard enough 
to find in good visibility, in fog at night, nearly impossible.  ;)

By the numbers:
12 Qs, 7 Grids.  Best DX, like Ron, NG4C/FM16tj ~229.1km

I was one of those knuckleheads still insisting on 6-digit exchange last 
night, not /reading/ the rules until I had to remember how to "score" 
this thing, only then realizing my error. Appologies.  Actually miss the 
old format 6-digit-all-band and distance scoring, which was starting to 
grow on me, though I know it served many lots of heartburn.

****  I WAS ENCOURAGED AND DELIGHTED by the number of folks, prob 1/4 of 
the Qs in the log, who exclaimed this was their first time ever 
operating 2m SSB!!!   Warm and fuzzies given our discussions this winter 
about declining activity, and yet here are the new operators!   I hope 
they had fun and will come back for more!!!

      - Josh / KF4YLM

On 4/8/2014 9:19 AM, Ron Klimas WZ1V wrote:
> Last night conditions seemed fair despite the rain
> and activity pretty good through at least 9 PM.
> I was surprised how many people thought they had
> to exchange 6 digit grids, despite the sponsor page
> stating it's only required for the Microwave Sprint.
> Maybe if it said "Exchange 4 digit grid except for..).
> Some of the highlights for me was working W1AW/3 FN10
> (thanks Phil!), and finding N2SLN in FN13 this time
> instead of the usual FN22. I also managed to fill in
> FN12 & FN02 to the West-NW, a tough direction for me.
> Best DX was NG4C FM16. On the downside there was the
> usual cluster of nearby missed grids FN22, 23, 24, 33.
> And no FM18 this time. Still it was great fun,
> Totals: 63 Q's and 18 Grids. Tnx to all who got on
> and to our (new) Sponsors! C'ya on 222 next week.
> -73, Ron WZ1V, FN31rh
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