[VHFcontesting] VE3WCC at FN015xg for June ARRL VHF QSO Party

Glenn MacDonell glennmacd at rogers.com
Thu Jun 5 18:02:49 EDT 2014

The West Carleton Amateur Radio Club of Ottawa will again operate VE3WCC for the June ARRL VHF QSO Party, this year from a new location in FN15xg.  

After six years of operating a multi-op station from a great site in FN04xa we will work from closer to home to make it easier for our members to participate and grow VHF contesting in our area.  The site is about 30km north of the intersection of FN15, FN25,FN14 and FN24.   We registered the highest score in Canada the last two June contests and will working to get the best performance we can from the new site.

Each of the past six years we have added capability or power.  This year we will add 3.4 GHz and 5.6GHz using relatively low power SDR equipment as well as 10 GHz and 24 GHz stations to our standard coverage of the bands from 50 MHz through 2304 MHz augmented by shorter range wideband microwave equipment.  We will run 1kw at 2m and 500w at 6 m this year to single long boom yagis with higher power than past years (250 - 300w) on 222MHz and 1296 MHz.  

We will again have the capability to operate WSJT at 2 and 6m and are interested in setting up skeds for the quiet hours of Sunday morning.

Rovers who will be within range are asked to forward their rover schedules to VE3XRA.  Please include the grids squares and approximate times you plan to be in each, a list of bands you are able to operate, and the co-ordination frequency you will use.  

We will set up on the site at the Corkery Community Centre 3447 Old Almonte Rd. Ottawa ON,  lat 45.259316 N long -76.060858 W,  on Friday June 13 and pack up Monday June 16.  Visitors are welcome to drop by.  Rovers passing nearby are invited to stop by for a snack and hot coffee. 

Schedules are very welcome - please send requests to ve3xra at rac.ca.   We will have  access to internet at the site and can arrange skeds up to the start of the contest.

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